Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Cost of Living

This is the final painting for Gallery5's THE COST OF LIVING show, opening Friday, March 6th. The title of this piece is "Atrocities". C/C always welcome.


  1. Nice piece man! The graphic explosions and bullets work really well with this piece, as well as the distortion of perspective. Thanks for swingin' by the SOCA fundraiser table friday!

  2. Cool! Going to be in Richmond this weeekend and will be sure to stop by the gallery to have a look. Great painting!

  3. Wassup man, I saw you in the SOI 48. Thought I'd check you out. Your work is tight!

  4. Wha? Didn't know you had a blog?! SICK PEECE! I just happened to not go to gallery 5 that first friday. bummer!
